luni, 31 august 2015

Welcome autumn with a new style!

  Este ultima zi de vara, asa ca ar fi cazul sa ne pregatim garderoba de toamna. SheIn s-a gandit la acest aspect si ne ofera super reduceri de 33% si 35%. Reducerile se obtin cu ajutorul codurilor ff33 si ff35. Oferta este valabila in perioada 31.08 - 07.09.

Spor la cumparaturi!

Fall In Love With Fall Fashion!

Welcome Autumn With A New Style!

33% OFF Over US$58    Code:ff33
35% OFF Over US$108   Code:ff35

Ends: September/7

duminică, 30 august 2015

Homecoming dresses - CocoMelody

  As you already know..for some time I started to search online clothes and especially dresses. Why I do this? Because I found online many models and dresses. And when a woman buy a dress..her first thought is that her dress is unique. It is very ugly to meet at a wedding with a woman who wearing the same dress.
  Now, I would like to talk about the new online shop that I discovered. The site name is Cocomelody and on this site you will find wedding dresses, accessories and dresses for bridal party, special occasion.
  Soon, I go to the wedding of a good friend, so I searched category "Special occasion". Here, I found cheap homecoming dresses. Maybe you wondering what is "homecoming". Homecoming is a tradition in many universities, colleges and high schools. This tradition takes place in United States. These universities, colleges and high schools meet to welcome back alumni of a school.
  Go back to our site..homecoming dresses 2015 impressed me. A lot of colors and everything you could want.
  Below you can see some dresses that I liked.
  You can this dress - green, black, silver, pink, yellow and many other colors. Just choose.

  I think this dress is absolutely perfect. Wearing it, you will be princess event. Costs only 69 dollars, so you will not have to spend a lot of money. 

  I chose only colorful dresses because I think these are the dresses that young women should wear. If you like darker colors, just search on the site.  

   You have free shipping for Homecoming dresses to US/CA/MEX/AU. Offer is valid from 10.08 to 10.09.

You like what I chose? Which is your favourite?

miercuri, 26 august 2015

Promotions from SheIn

 De astazi si pana pe 31 august puteti achizitia articole de la SheIn cu reduceri de 60% - 80%. Mai mult de atat, va asteapta doua extra reduceri de 5$ si 10$ valabile doar pentru comenzile ce depasesc 59$ si 109$.

Thank You,My Sheiners!

Here Is A Fashion Feast Prepared For You!

Free shipping!
34% OFF Over US$69   Code:thank34

Flash sale!
33% OFF Over US$59    Code:thank33
35% OFF Over US$109   Code:thank35

60%-80% Off!
Extra $5 Off Over $59     Code:thank5
Extra $10 Off Over $109   Code:thank10

Ends: August/31

Jocuri online cu animale

 Jocurile pe calculator constituie un mod placut de a petrece timpul repede. Desi, in principiu, ele ar trebui sa fie jucate de copii, nici cei mari nu se lasa mai prejos. Eu fac parte din categoria aceasta si imi petrec uneori timpul liber jucandu-ma online. Pot spune ca ma relaxeaza si ma amuza in acelasi timp aceste jocuri.
  Jocurile pe calculator sunt foarte populare in randul copiilor. Pentru a nu fi daunatoare pentru acestia, parintii ar trebui sa analizeze ceea ce il intereasa pe copil si sa ii recomande niste jocuri potrivite varstei acestuia. In mediul online, pot fi gasite o multime de jocuri educative precum: jocurile de matematica, jocurile creative, diverse puzzle-uri, jocuri cu animale.
  Dupa cum bine stim, copiii iubesc animalele si cu siguranta iubesc si jocurile cu animale. Tocmai de aceea, astazi as vrea sa va arat cateva jocuri gratuite cu rechini si jocuri cu animale si pinguini.
  Pe site-ul, gasiti cele mai noi jocuri cu rechini. Daca copiiilor vostri le place oceanul si sunt fascinati de viata subacvatica, aceasta sunt vor fi cu siguranta pe placul lor.
  Jocul numit "Masina Rechin" m-a incantat cel mai mult deoarece ador sa conduc. Mi-a placut de asemenea faptul ca explicatiile jocurilor sunt in engleza si in felul acesta copiii pot invata mult mai usor limba lui Shakespeare.

  Nici jocurile cu pinguini nu sunt mai prejos. Cu originile in Antartica, aceste animalute dragute sunt pe placul copiilor.  Pe site sunt disponibile foarte multe jocuri cu pinguini: Puzzle, Restaurantul pinguinilor, Volei cu pinguinii, Prinde inghetata, etc. Eu am jucat un joc de iarna cu pinguini si m-am distrat. Este un joc logic, iar tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa aranjati obiectele astfel incat sa protejati pinguinul de bombele ce sunt lasate de elicopter,

 Va plac jocurile alese de mine?
 Niciodata nu este prea tarziu sa ne simtim copii, asa ca va doresc distractie placuta.

marți, 25 august 2015

Perfect dresses

  Hello dears,
  Today, I want to tell you about a new website with dresses. We, women, always find one opportunity to buy a new dress. I did so.. In october I go to a wedding and I decided to search for a perfect dress for this event. I discover a beautiful site with very good prices. I think this site Wishesbridal is like heaven for women. Looking on this site, it was very hard to shop on one dress because all dresses are very beautiful and special. Here you can find wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, mother dresses, prom dresses, evening dresses, special occasion dresses, plus size dresses and girl's dresses.
  In category special occasion dresses, I found a subcategory that is called homecoming dresses. These dresses drew my attention because I found here cheap homecoming dresses 2015. I'm sure you're find a dress for you because there are dresses for every taste. Short or long dresses, any color or size, reduced by 80%.. what more you can want?  You can choose a dress that matches with your hair, your eyes or anything else.
  I added below images with inexpensive homecomg dresses that I like. For more details, check the links below.
  I'm a big fan of long dresses, so my first choice is a a line cocktail dress. The dress has a 80% discount, so you can save 700$. It is a real deal, not? This dress can be made in many more colors, but I think that pink is perfect. That floral lace makes this dress unique.

  I think that this blue short dress is also gorgeous. Any woman would feel like a real princess wearing this dress.

  Which one is your favourite? I think I will choose the first dress because is perfect for my body.
  What are you waiting for? Buy your favourite dress from Wishesbridal.

vineri, 21 august 2015

Find another new style from SheIn!

 Daca intrati pe site-ul SheIn, veti fi intampinati de o noua promotie care va ofera reduceri de  33% si 35%. Reducerile se pot obtine utilizand codurile nl33 si nl35. In aceasta promotie, veti gasi si produse din noua categorie plus size.

Discover New Looks!

You Must Have Different Charm Undiscovered!

Find Another New Style From SheIn!

Take 33% OFF Over US$58   Code:nl33

Take 35% OFF Over US$108  Code:nl35

Ends: August/24

duminică, 16 august 2015

Noile reduceri de la SheIn

  Astazi este ultima zi in care puteti cumpara articole valabila in ultima oferta de la SheIn. Este vorba despre reducere de 5$ si 10$ la comenzile ce depasesc 59$ si respectiv 109$. Aceste reducere se pot obtine utilizand codurile wa5, wa10.

Va doresc spor la cumparaturi!
Summer Further Markdown!

This Is A Sitewide Feedback For You!

Everyone Can Find Your Favorite Apparel From SheIn!

Seize This Rare Opportunity!

Extra $5  Off Over $59   Code:wa5

Extra $10 Off Over $109  Code:wa10

Ends: August/17

sâmbătă, 15 august 2015

Lenjerii de pat outlet

  Lenjeriile de pat pot fi un cadou minunat pentru cei apropiati. In mai putin de o luna, este ziua unei prietene foarte bune si m-am gandit ca o lenjerie de pat i-ar fi pe plac. Tocmai de aceea, am cercetat site-urile online pentru a gasi o varietate cat mai mare de produse, preturi, oferte.
  Pe site-ul lenjerii de pat outlet  am gasit foarte multe produse pe placul meu. M-a incantat foarte tare oferta 1+1 gratis. Aceasta promotie este valabila pentru lenjeriile de pat BFS, 3D, Bumbac, Jaquard.  Nici nu puteam sa gasesc o promotie mai potrivita pentru mine deoarece as putea sa-i dau o lenjerie prietenei mele si sa-mi pastrez si eu una.
  Daca va doriti sa aveti o camera luminoasa si colorata, pe acest site gasiti produse care sa faca din dormitorul vostru un colt de rai.
  Am atasat si cateva dintre lenjeriile care imi plac foarte mult. Dupa cum puteti observa, am ales doar lenjerii colorate.

 Ar mai trebui sa stiti ca participand la campania Summer Black Week 2015 (valabila in perioada 13.08 - 20.08), puteti castiga o excursie la Paris. E o sansa grozava, asa ca nu o ratati. 

Am primit "leapsa" de la Sarbu Dumitra, care poate fi urmarita pe blogul:

miercuri, 12 august 2015


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luni, 10 august 2015

50% la SheIn pentru cel de-al doilea produs achizitionat

  Reducerile continua la SheIn! De data aceasta, va puteti achizition rochii la preturi incredibile. La fiecare articol cumparat, al doilea beneficiaza de 50%. 
  De asemenea, daca comanda depaseste 30$, veti avea si transport gratuit.

Va doresc spor la cumparaturi!

Seek Out Fashion Inspiration!

There Is Always A Suitable Dress In SheIn!

To Be A Gorgeous Girl!

Buy  1  Get  1  50% OFF

Ends: August/13

joi, 6 august 2015

Castigati bani cu SheIn

  Denumirea site-ului Sheinside s-a schimbat in SheIn, insa obiceiurile au ramas aceleasi. Tocmai de aceea, as vrea sa va povestesc despre o metoda destul de simpla de a face bani. Este vorba despre programul SheIn Publisher. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa sa publicati articole pe blogul dumneavoastra, iar acestea sa fie citite de cat mai multe persoane.
  Fiecare articol aprobat va aduce 15 $, iar pentru fiecare articol refuzat primiti 500 de puncte pe care ii puteti transforma in haine, incaltaminte, etc. Banii va sunt transferati in contul de paypal dupa ce depasiti suma de 50$.
  Dupa cum puteti vedea in imaginea de mai jos, am castigat pana acum aproape 300 de dolari, asa ca va recomand cu drag acest program. Pentru a va inregistra, trebuie sa intrati aici. Dupa ce veti fi acceptati in program, veti primi un id de afiliat, pe care va trebui sa-l adaugat la finalul oricarui link.

  In imaginile de mai jos, puteti vedea cateva produse care pot fi gasite si pe site si pe care le puteti achizitiona cu punctele/banii castigati in urma acestei activitati.

Va doresc mult succes!

marți, 4 august 2015

Discounturi de pana la 80% la SheIn

  In luna septembrie incepe scoala, asa ca elevii ar putea deja sa se pregateasca pentru acest eveniment. Tocmai de aceea, SheIn vine cu noi oferte la hainele pe care le putem purta la scoala. Acestea beneficiaza de reduceri de pana la 80%, iar oferta este valabila pana pe data de 7 august. Grabiti-va deoarece au mai ramas doar 3 zile. 

Va doresc spor la cumparaturi!
Back To School Sale!

Find Your Favorite School Style From SheIn!

Rewind Memories of school days!

Up To 80% OFF   Ends: August/7

luni, 3 august 2015

Perfect wedding dresses

  Hello, girls! You are looking for a wedding dress? You have a friend who is getting married this year? If you fit into these categories, in this article, I will recommend you a good site with wonderful wedding dresses. It is about website: I found a lot of simple wedding dresses at beformal. Let me show you the dresses that I liked most.
  It was very hard to choose one simple wedding dress of all those wonderful dresses. I was impressed with this beautiful a-line dress. It has a very good price, being reduced from AUD $ 621 to AUD $ 219. Wearing a dress like this to your wedding, you'll feel like a true princess.

 If you would like lace, I can choose lace wedding dresses. To see all the dresses with lace available on site, you must enter to site.
  I found many beautiful dresses with lace on the site, and I chose two dresses because I really like this material. I love dresses with lace because they are very elegant and special.

  I was impressed by this red dress.Red is the color of passion and believe it is a bold color for wedding. Unfortunately, few brides choose to wear colorful dresses in the wedding day. And this dress have a big discount. Now, costs only AUD $ 250, but this price is available only 14 hours.
  It's very hard to choose between the three dresses  because each is special and unique. You can help me to take the best decision? 
 This site offers dresses very best in terms of quality. Also, the prices are very good and you can often find products on promotion. If you want to buy these dresses to super discounts, you must hurry.